UPDATE is organised by the association of Liepaja media artists ASTE (https://aste.gallery) and RTU Liepaja Academy Art Research Laboratory (MPLab,
https://mplab.lv). The activities of the association ASTE in 2024 are supported by the VKKF for
professional non-governmental cultural organisations. UPDATE is supported by the Liepaja
Municipality institution “Culture Department”, the VKKF, RTU Liepaja Academy and RIXC, a
network for art, science, culture and innovation. The event is co-organised by the
foundation “Liepāja 2027 Foundation” and the European Union Creative Europe Programme
project “CreArt 3.0 #STRINGING_TOGETHER”. The workshop “Soundscapes” is realised in the
framework of the Artillery 35 project “Soundfields”, supported by Nordplus Horizontal.